To set your command line options, please right-click on the game in Steam's "My games" browser and select "Properties" and then "Set Launch Options". By launching the game with -unlimitedsaves in the command line, players can now save as many times as they like, rather than being restricted to a set number of saves per level. By popular demand, added an "-unlimitedsaves" command line option.16:9 modes now render more to the sides than a 4:3 mode). 5:4, 16:9, 16:10), with the vertical field-of-view remaining fixed and the horizontal field-of-view changing accordingly. Now the game renders at the correct aspect ratio (e.g. 1920x1080) but just rendered a stretched 4:3 image.

Previously the game allowed non-4:3 video modes (e.g. The patch adds widescreen support to the old-school game, an option to use unlimited save games, new high-resolution timer code, a frame-rate lock, and more. Predator Classic 2000, the newly re-released three faction shooter from Rebellion. Predator game, that hits PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 come February 16, with the PC version utilizing Steam for matchmaking.Steam News announces the release of an automatic patch for Aliens vs. Oddly, the notes initially claimed "Currently no way to create private games (will patch)," though this line has since been removed from the accompanying news post.Īs for Rebellion's all-new Aliens vs. Supports windowed mode with -w command line switch.Dedicated servers are not supported or planned.Can invite and join friends and other players via the Steam overlay.Host/join games via bare-bones in-game lobby browser.

Having recently released a reworked version of its decade-old shooter Aliens versus Predator that's more compatible with modern systems, developer Rebellion has now patched multiplayer into the Steam re-release.Īs with all games on Steam, Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000 will automatically download the latest patch-unless you've disabled the option, that is.